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Monday, February 17, 2025
Darquain Oil Field

Darquain oil field is located at about 45 kilometers to the north of Khorramshahr and 85 kilometers to the south and south-west of Ahwaz. The existence of oil in this field was proved by the drilling of the first well in 1964 and before the field development two other exploration wells were drilled in 1977 and 1996.
The main reservoirs of Darquain are Fahliyan, Ilam, and Sarvak. Total oil in in place in these reservoirs is more than 6000 M barrels. Recoverable oil is estimated about 1540 M barrels. Oil from Fahliyan formation is light (API: 40) BUT Ilam and Sarvak have heavy oil (API: 22).

 The development plan of Fahliyan formation was planned in two phases: the first phase of development was carried out by drilling 8 oil wells. In order to complete the Development Plan in the second phase, 20 other wells (15 production wells, 4 miscible gas-injection wells and one water disposal well) were drilled.  The early production of 25,000 oil barrels started in February 2003 from this field; then, in the first phase, the production was increased to 50,000 barrels until August 2004. In March 2007, with 15 production wells (in the second phase), the oil production reached 100,000 barrels per day. By the end of second phase of development production of Darquain reached to 165.000 barrels per day.

To explore Ilam and Sarvak layers and evaluate production potential, well DQ-32 was drilled in 2011 and the development plans of these layers is underway. In addition, the well DQ-33 was drilled in the southern part of the field, where due to the significant production in this part of the Fahliyan reservoir a plan for its development is presented.  Current production of the field is approximately 130.000 barrels and miscible gas injection is around 250 million cf per day. Recently the contract of repairing 5 wells and drilling 3 new wells (production - appraisal) has been signed.

The treated oil from Darquain O.T.U divided into two parts: one volume is directed to Abadan refinery and the other transfers to west Karun pump station by a 20” pipe line.  

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